Sulle Strade del Mondo | On the Pathways of the World

Sulle Strade del Mondo | On the Pathways of the World


The history of Irish monasticism, from St. Patrick to the “wanderers” for Christ is extremely interesting. We find Irish monks everywhere throughout the known world, in Britain, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, America. Their skills, above all their knowledge of reading and bookmaking, made of them counsellors in Charlemagne’s Court, founders of monasteries, cities and universities, teachers and educators, publishers and very well respected figures in other fields. ENZO FARINELLA, journalist of ANSA (Italian News Agency) bureau chief for Ireland, Vatican Radio correspondent, was born in Gangi (Sicily) and has been living in Ireland for over 40 years. 

Author: Enzo Farinella

Publisher: Edizioni Casa Italia


Language: Italian

Category: Language & Culture

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On the Pathways of the World brings to life the immense religious but also cultural contribution which Irish saints, scholars and monks have made to Europe and in particular to Italy.

-Bobby McDonagh, Irish Ambassador to Italy

Reflecting on the century’s long chain of healthy relationships you will be amazed by the important role that Irish monks have had in creating a bond between our two Countries and our people.

-Giovanni Adorni Braccesi Chiassi, Italian Ambassador to Ireland

Written with warm hearted enthusiasm, this book may well be an eye-opener for many which have forgotten or know little about Ireland’s important contribution to building the culture of what has become the modern Europe of the European Union.

Thanks for doing this great work. Every Irish person, indeed everyone, should know this stuff. It should be taught in schools. It's a fascinating part of human history. But the knowledge has been almost lost.


Un libro “Sulle strade del mondo” con traduzione inglese a fronte che presenta i contributi introduttivi dell’ambasciatore italiano a Dublino Giovanni Adorni Braccesi Chiassi e dell’omologo irlandese a Roma Bobby McDonagh, libro che identifica i monaci irlandesi come «la roccia che conferma la fede» e promotori dei valori fondamentali della vita cristiana, primo fra tutti il diritto alla vita della persona umana ma anche il valore etico e culturale delle diverse identità religiose.


Farinella has been at the forefront in promoting closer and more friendly relations between Ireland and Italy. To this end he has been involved in the twinning of Irish and Italian towns. To date 16 of these twinnings have been completed and he lists some of these with accompanying profiles of the various towns.

Throughout, the author avails of every opportunity to draw attention to the Christian roots of the European and Western culture shared by Ireland and Italy and warns that if European leaders continue to ignore this crucial aspect of the European project it will become a mere commercial enterprise without a soul.

In the light of recent developments this is a warning to which all European citizens could well pay heed.
